Things don’t always go as planned for those in the construction industry. When you are in need of legal counsel for any construction issues, know that RDDHI’s Construction Litigation team is ready to build your defense. From claims of construction defects to failure to follow industry-accepted construction standards to building code violations, RDDHI stands ready to vigorously represent your business and get you back on the job site.
In boom times or busts, the construction industry is always in motion. The need for its vitality is unquestioned in generating growth and spurring economic development throughout the entire country. Without the construction industry’s ongoing work, the nation comes to a standstill.
Don’t let legal issues bring your work to a halt. Talk to RDDHI when you need a strong defense.
Do I Need a Construction Litigation Attorney?
It’s inevitable: if you are in the construction industry, you will eventually need legal counsel. Whether you need attorneys in your corner to help mediate disputes between general contractors, to defend the quality of your work on a project, or to collect on an unpaid project, let RDDHI put its years of experience to work representing your business.
What Is Construction Law?
Construction law goes beyond building things. It doesn’t just involve contract negotiation between owners and general contractors or subcontractors. It involves the interactions between vendors, suppliers, and professional service providers, as well as making sure that your project is able to obtain the proper building approvals and variances necessary to make your customers’ visions come to life. It involves the clearance of mechanics’ liens and negotiation with other parties to finish your project.
It also goes beyond the day-to-day issues that can arise on a worksite. It deals with the sometimes unfortunate need to litigate when projects don’t turn out as envisioned, when others cut corners that impact construction, and when seeking monetary damages for delays, rebuilds, and unexpected costs.
Who We Serve
RDDHI’s attorneys have years of experience defending claims against construction businesses and municipalities ranging from defective construction to warranty work, professional design negligence, and mechanics’ liens.
In addition to serving the construction industry directly, RDDHI also has extensive experience providing insurers with litigation services related to claims against construction businesses and other insured parties.
Proven Success in Construction Litigation
RDDHI attorneys have litigated cases covering negligent design of attractions, claims of professional liability against designers for failure to oversee construction, and everything in between.
RDDHI has attorneys with in-house experience in construction. We bring that experience to anticipate a client’s needs and prepare them for success, with the goal of providing legal services that not only limit your liability in active cases but reduce your potential risk in the future.
Dedication. Flexibility. Value.
RDDHI knows that being caught in litigation is always stressful and can cause undue hardship for a business. We also know that the sooner matters are put behind you and the less time you spend dealing with them, the better. Our attention to detail is unmatched, and our litigation philosophy puts the power of a megafirm in your corner while giving your case the boutique firm care it deserves.
Whether you need pre-litigation investigation services or someone to jump into a civil claim that has spun out of control, RDDHI has the flexibility to serve you every step of the way. We strive to keep our clients out of the courtroom, but our highly skilled trial attorneys are ready to defend you to the very end.
And as a mid-sized Midwestern firm, RDDHI offers value that the big firms can’t compete with while still offering nationwide coverage.
When you find yourself in need of a construction attorney, call RDDHI. We’re ready to bring our tenets of dedication, flexibility, and value to your case. Contact us today.
RDDHI’s Construction Litigation Attorneys
Top photo Paul Sableman.