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Today is Administrative Professionals’ Day, and we want to take the opportunity to celebrate the outstanding administrative professionals here at Rasmussen Dickey Dioszeghy Henry Ijei!

For the uninitiated, Administrative Professionals’ Day recognizes and appreciates the individuals who are most responsible for “making the world go round.” Their tireless contributions ensure that deadlines are met, work gets completed timely, and businesses succeed. It is through their dedication and commitment that business goals are realized.

Celebrating administrative professionals began with an official day of recognition in 1952. However, the National Secretaries Association (now the International Association of Administrative Professionals) had been promoting and recognizing this important work since its founding in 1942 in Topeka, Kansas. Since the beginning, the IAAP has been dedicated to helping and promoting its members in ever-changing times to meet the constantly changing demands of business.

Today, administrative professionals can be found in nearly any business environment performing a host of tasks. They are the people to greet visitors at the door and makes the first impression of the company. They coordinate meetings, travel arrangements, and other events to make sure everything flows smoothly.

In the legal profession, our admins file pleadings, proofread discovery, and field client inquiries. They maintain our attorneys’ calendars and schedules to ensure that attorneys are on time to their appointments and hearings. They essentially operate as extensions of the attorneys themselves in all aspects of a law firm.

But the worth of every administrative professional is so much more than their work in the office. They provide valuable insight to the workplace, and their experience with what makes businesses succeed is second to none. They are so much more than employees—they are key partners in a company’s overall success.

RDDHI’s Administrative Professionals Are Dedicated

At Rasmussen Dickey Dioszeghy Henry Ijei, we recognize and appreciate the incredible work that our administrative professionals deliver. Amongst our admins, we have:

  • Four who have been with us more than 1 year
  • Eight who have been with us more than 5 years
  • Five who have been with us more than 10 years
  • Two who have been with us more than 15 years
  • And two who have been with us more than 20 years!

Their success is our success. So with the utmost gratitude from RDDHI, we thank each and every administrative professional for all that you do on this Administrative Professionals’ Day. Thank you!